Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Week 2 - Designing graphics:

My haunted house
some techniques i used for this haunted house is dragging in a cloud image over an image of a haunted house. i did this by getting rid of the background of the house by using the eraser tool and inserting the sky i wanted to use on a layer beloew the house's layer.

I then matched the house to the colour of the sky by changing the brightness, hue and saturastion to make the house match the mood of the picture.

 i also used the stamp tool to get rid of some of the fence without erasing it out. I changed the colour of the house on the house's layer on photoshop to match the background.
click the picture for enlargement.

Creating a flash button:

I created an icon in photoshop to become a button in flash. I made a square button because it is simple and the user can see it well.

This is me creating my button in photoshop

I then saved it as a .PNG file because i made the button on a transparent document so the user will not see a white box over the button when it is imported into flash.
I then inserted the button into flash as a button symbol so i can edit the properties of the button when the user interacts with it. The interaction stage works in 4 stages of creation. The button how the user see's it without a mose over, how it looks with a mouse over, what it looks like when you click it and the hit box for the button.

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