Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Week 2 - Designing graphics:

My haunted house
some techniques i used for this haunted house is dragging in a cloud image over an image of a haunted house. i did this by getting rid of the background of the house by using the eraser tool and inserting the sky i wanted to use on a layer beloew the house's layer.

I then matched the house to the colour of the sky by changing the brightness, hue and saturastion to make the house match the mood of the picture.

 i also used the stamp tool to get rid of some of the fence without erasing it out. I changed the colour of the house on the house's layer on photoshop to match the background.
click the picture for enlargement.

Creating a flash button:

I created an icon in photoshop to become a button in flash. I made a square button because it is simple and the user can see it well.

This is me creating my button in photoshop

I then saved it as a .PNG file because i made the button on a transparent document so the user will not see a white box over the button when it is imported into flash.
I then inserted the button into flash as a button symbol so i can edit the properties of the button when the user interacts with it. The interaction stage works in 4 stages of creation. The button how the user see's it without a mose over, how it looks with a mouse over, what it looks like when you click it and the hit box for the button.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Storyline plan: a 17 year old boy is on his way home but takes a different rout and finds himself lost in the darkness! The child wonders where he has ended up. he See's a light fade on in front of him, he runs to the light to find a house at the end of the street. It is the only house there. behind him was pitch black. he heard a little shriek of fear coming from inside the house. The boy thinks to himself is it a good idea to head into the house. he reaches for his phone... but it has fell out of his pocket back at the dark and lonesome road. He takes a few steps away from the the house to go to the darkness to find his phone. Suddenly he hears a horror scream from inside the house of the sane woman as before. He runs to the house. tries to barge through the door but it would not budge. Suddenly the screaming stops. his ears are ringing with fear. silence was deadly. All the boy heard then was a creek. Then he suddenly felt himself falling through the floor that he was stood on. He his the floor without any soft landing. He then shuts his eyes, and passes out.

(The user now in control of moving around)

Aim: To find whoever is in danger and get them out of the house. if it is someone in danger.

Plan: find items to move around the house, go through lock doors and do quick time actions to get away from the thing.

Game play story walkthrough: Find the key in the room where you awake to break the lock for the cellar door to head up the stairs. the camera will look round the room. Find the torch in the room. you now have to find another object to break a lock in one of the three doors to find a key for the double doors where you will be introduced to the first sight of the thing. You will have to find somewhere to hide from the thing.when the sounds of the thing have stopped it is safe to go out. go through the double doors to find a bloody shoe on the stairs. You will have to pick up the shoe to carry on up the stairs. There will then be a cut scene with a little girl with thin bedsheets over her and she is lightly crying. You will come across a decision weather to take the cover off or not. one decision is game ending. You start to walk away then you find yourself being chased by the thing and needing to do quick time actions to escape from the monster that is chasing you.

New aim: escape the house.

You cannot jump out of the windows because they are boarded up. you cannot go the way you came because it was a trapped door. So you will have to find your way to escape through the back entrance or main entrance to get out of the house. You will come across information for what this monster is whilst you look for the two keys for both doors which will be in a filming room with double doors. They will be locked from the other side. You will have to find a fire axe to break through the door which will be in the kitchen. There will be another quick time action to escape the thing that will be chasing you again. Once in the filming room there will be a film playing on the screen. There will be a cut scene about how the monster was created. You will now have to decide weather to go out the back door or front door. One will lead to death one will lead to freedom. The user will decide!